Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Are You Playing Your Own Hunger Games?

This wellness writing has more to do with how you can seriously fool yourself into thinking even though you have health challenges with symptoms like headaches, digestive upset, sleepless nights, or weight gain you believe nothing is wrong. That you don't have a problem - that all is well but really it isn't but you are choosing to either ignore it or are perhaps are too afraid to make changes.
Here are the 5 Common Ways You May be Playing Games with Your Eating Habits and 5 Easy Solutions:
Common Way#1 Costs more to Eat Healthy: It actually doesn't. Eating a diet filled with primarily quality protein, fresh fruits and vegetables is less expensive than eating packaged foods or dashing through the fast food line. Also, because these foods tend to be lacking in any real nutrition you often feel more hungry and tend to eat more of it. Solution: Shop at farmer's markets, ethnic grocery stores (tend to be less expensive) or, even better yet, grow your own.
Common Way#2 I'll take care of this later: Guess what - later never comes. A year from now - 5 years from now everything remains the same. All your hopes for a healthy life, body and/or mind are gone. You get comfortable in your discomfort about your body with all its lumps and bumps, aches and pains - this is now your normal. You give up and may even catch yourself saying "hey I can try starting again on Monday". But unfortunately your plans for Monday end up being a fantasy as well. Solution: Just do it. I know easier said than done. But you need to start. You don't need to be perfect it only takes just one small step towards your healthier future. Don't allow yourself to put it off any longer.
Common Way#3 I need Starch in Every Meal: A perfectly balanced meal does not have to have a potato, rice or beans included. These starchy food items may "fill you up" but that doesn't necessarily means you are nourished. You may have a hard time utilizing the additional carbohydrates found in thesestarches causing blood sugar issues which inevitably causes weight gain or an inability to take weight off. Solution: You can feel nourished by simply having a piece of salmon with asparagus and a green salad. Or try 2 or 3 high water content vegetables with your protein - chard, broccoli and summer squash for example.
Common Way#4 No meal is complete without desert: Most of you grew up with that habit deeply entrenched into your mealtime traditions. And what does desert usually consist of? It is usually sweet, gooey and highly caloric. Psychologically you may feel you deserve this "treat" after the hard day you just had. I strongly advice that you avoid using food as a reward - it's a bottomless pit where you may end up using that excuse every chance you get. Solution: Why not try a piece of cheese with fruit or 1 tbsp of Almond Butter - these food choices will leave you satisfied and less susceptible to uncontrollable sugar cravings.
Common Way#5 TV & Snacking Just Goes Together: Well that's a big one for so many people. You automatically pull out the popcorn, chips, candy bar or ice cream when tube gets turned on. Its so natural. Just like when you go to the movies of course you have to have the popcorn, soda and junior mints - they just go together like 4th or July and Mom's Apple Pie. Just because that's what others do and have done for "eternity" doesn't mean it's good for you or that it can't be changed. Breaking these cultural food habits takes a little work but can be accomplished when you set your mind to it. Solution: Have a cup of tea instead of the munchies when watching your favorite Reality Show or Drama. If you must eat something - limit yourself to say 10 almonds. But before you starting eating anything check in with yourself - are you reallyphysically hungry or are you emotionally hungry as in bored, stressed or anxious. If you slow down enough to ask yourself this question your "hunger" will usually disappear on its own.
Using some of these solutions I provided here for you will help you stop playing games with your hunger - I have no doubt.
(c) Monika Klein

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Small Step = Big Results

That's right you do not need to make huge leaps in order to get from where you are to where you want to go. In this week's article we are shedding some light on easy steps to shedding excess weight and unhealthy habits.
Here are 5 Small Steps with Huge Gains:
Step #1 Take care of your Tummy. Eat slowly and avoid eating on the run. If you are in a hurry take something with you that's easy to digest. A nutritious smoothie may be optimal (ask for my recommendations). Smoothies can be very nourishing and satisfying. Make sure you have adequate protein in your smoothie and as little juice as possible - dilute the juice. Use the whole fruit instead. Add some nuts and seeds for additional crunch and some healthy fat.
Step #2 Snacks for Life. Always choose wisely when it comes to your snacks. Usually you will find yourself snacking more and on the wrong things if you have not eaten healthy, wholesome meals throughout the day. We think unhealthy snacks are more available than healthy ones. But shift your focus - you will see the apples, oranges, carrot sticks, nuts and seeds almost everywhere. Make sure you choose the unsalted variety if you choose nuts or seeds.
Step #3 Moderation, Please: Eat well and eat in moderation and with enjoyment. In order to have the best of health, including energy and mental focus - always eat 3 meals a day. This is a continuation of Step #1 - if try and relax and eat calmly savoring each flavorful bite you will get more benefit from what you're eating. Giving yourself time to relax while you enjoy your meal is essential for good digestion, helping you make better food choices and eat less.
Step #4 Take the Phone off the Hook: It's called down time and that means no talking on the phone, texting or checking emails. It means close your eyes for at least 20 -30 minutes. No interruptions - this is your time so make sure to tell those who may want to distract you from this necessary and rejuvenating practice. Don't think you are "doing nothing" that thought may prevent you from taking this seriously. You may judge yourself as being lazy and unproductive but try not to. Think of this as re-charging your batteries - everyone needs this - young and old. It'll center you, help you get clear on your priorities for the rest of the day versus just being on automatic pilot. You may not know it - but you don't have to be to on automatic pilot. You have my permission to take a time out - at the very least for 10 minutes.
Step #5 Hydrate: Here's another habit that is often overlooked. It's one of the things I am consistently reminding my clients to do. Being hydrated is so very important to good health. You may be overeating when you are actually just dehydrated. If you are thirsty you may have forgotten to drink consistently earlier - the good thing is you can correct this oversight pretty quickly. If you are exhausted you may only need a sip or two of water to replenish. Rule of thumb: drink half your body weight in ounces and you should be fine. Example: if you weigh 150 lbs drink at least 75 ounces of water every day.
(c) Monika Klein

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Time to Outsmart Your Genes?

Do you think you can have an impact on your genetic make-up? I'm here to tell you can. How your genes "express" or work is really up to you. What you do and don't do can have a direct link to how healthy genes operate in your body. It's kind of great to think you have that much control - right? Or maybe not - it is a lot of responsibility for you and making the right lifestyle decisions do count.
I've written about Genetic Eating in several of my past newsletters. It's a way of eating that can directly impact your genes in a positive way. How your body uses what you eat is what it's all about. If you are giving it junk, you end up with bad wiring and your body, or your mind for that matter, simply doesn't work very well. Recent scientific discoveries in genetic research show we have a lot more control over our genes than we think. Can you outsmart them - no - and you probably don't want to - but you can work in harmony with them as your partner in Healthy Living.
Here's a brief science lesson - if you eat a high-carbohydrate meal, your insulin spikes and your blood sugar plummets, making you very hungry. This is the reason you crave more carbohydrates (including sugar) and tend to eat more all day long. If you eat a low glycemic load diet like the one used in the "Skinny Jeans Weight Loss Program" it will balance your blood sugar levels and keeps insulin levels in a healthy range. It also increases your good or HDL cholesterol and lowers your triglycerides levels in your blood as well - a very good thing. This type of "genetic eating" actually turns on the good genetic blueprint for healthy cholesterol and blood sugar balance.
So you can change your genes and subsequently "fit into your jeans". Diet is such a powerful change agent in this regard, more than you ever thought possible. Change your biochemistry and your genes will change as well.
But what you eat, how, when and where you eat is not the only thing that affects your genes. Your thoughts, exercise, sleep and all your healthy lifestyle choices matter.
Here are 6 Keys You can do Today to Improve Your Genes:
Key #1 Go to Bed! Didn't you hate those words when you were growing up - I certainly did. Being the youngest in a family of 10 (7 siblings and 2 parents) - I always wanted to stay up late with my older siblings. But now I know the wisdom of my parent's words. Sleep is essential for getting your healthy genes working well. Sleep is an opportunity to not only rest but let your organs do there powerful work during night hours.
Key #2 Taste for Life. Mindset absolutely matters in having a healthy genetic blueprint. If you are negative all the time your biochemistry is affected in a damaging way. Brain Studies show how negative thoughts can automatically cause depression, anxiety and affect breathing and other vital functions in the body. Sometimes the depression comes first, of course, but lifestyle changes along with effective therapy can be most beneficial at not only improving this condition but also eliminating it.
Key#3 Spice It Up: Eating healthy can sometimes be challenging - you are so used to having excitement in your life and often in our culture that includes your food, too. So why not spice it up using healing and flavorful herbs and spices. Cinnamon has a profound benefit for blood sugar balance. Tumeric and Ginger aid in reducing inflammation in the body. Cardamom and Basilhave a calming effect on the body and mind. Thyme contains anti-septic qualities. Cayenne is known to aid in high blood pressure and heart health. So many herbs and spices have incredible healing properties so use them and enjoy them. And just remember your food's main purpose is to nourish and fuel you not to entertain you.
#4 Add the missing ingredients: Sometimes you need to add extra targeted nutrients to your health plan. You may have a slight blood sugar issue - addchromium or cinnamon as I mentioned in key #3. When suffering from tension headaches add additional Vitamin C to your supplement protocol it will help de-constrict your blood vessels and ease the tension. We are seeing more and more of a need to additional Vitamin D - a vitamin so important for bone, immune and heart health. I also recommend certain anti-aging formulas which target certain genes and can in fact reverse some of the aging processes in the body.
#5 From the Garden of Life: The more vitality a food has - meaning its coming to you almost directly from the garden - the more positive gene enhancing it will cause. Eating fresh, whole and organic will essentially "turn up" your Vitality Gene Choosing food that is full of active and alive nutrients will give your body what it needs and in a form it knows what to do with.
#6 Stay Inspired: Having hope and a positive outlook improves many functions in the body. Science shows that brain waves are altered, heart beat is slowed down, nerve impulses lessen and "happy hormones" seem to kick in. You know those happy hormones or brain chemicals may have a calming effect by increasing your Seratonin or Gaba or an exciting effect with Dopaminebeing stimulated. Either way there is a direct link to your mood and your chemistry and how your genes function in your body.
Remember, genetically speaking, you have an immense power to choose to be happy or sad, energetic or lethargic. Lean or not you get to choose to make changes in your genetic blueprint if you want.